Low-rank adaptation (LoRA)
Goal: Reduce fine-tuning cost by injecting trainable rank decomposition matrices.
Contribution: Reduce the number of trainable parameters by 10,000 times and the GPU memory requirement by 3 times, while introducing no additional inference latency.
- Hypothesize that the change in weights during model adaptation has a low intrinsic rank.
- For many deep learning tasks with a heavily over-parametrized neural network, the learned neural network will enjoy low-rank properties after training. (Oymak et al., 2019)
- For a pre-trained weight matrix \(W_0\in\R^{d\times k}\), constrain its update \(\Delta W\) by defining the merged weight matrix as \(W_0+\Delta W = W_0 + BA\), where \(B\in\R^{d\times r}, A\in\R^{r\times k}\), and rank \(r\ll \min(d,k)\).
- \(A\) is initialized using a Guassian distribution, while \(B\) is initialized with zero, such that \(\Delta W = BA = 0\) at the beginning of fine-tuning.
- This study is limited to only adapting the attention weights (\(W_q, W_k, W_v, W_o\)). Adapting other layers such as MLP, LayerNorm, and biases are left for future works.
Architecture of LoRA, from Figure 1 of Hu et al., 2022.
- A Generalization of Full Fine-tuning. Recovers the expressiveness of full fine-tuning by setting \(r=d\).
- No Additional Inference Latency. Pre-compute \(W = W_0 + BA\) before inference. When switching to another downstream task, subtract \(BA\) and add \(B'A'\).
- Lower hardware requirements. Reduce the number of trainable parameters by 10,000 times and the GPU memory requirement by 3 times.
Still have limitations such as difficulties on batching inputs of different downstream tasks.
Related Works
Some drawbacks of other fine-tuning methods:
Adapter Layers. Keep the parameters of the pre-trained model frozen. Add two adapter layers per transformer block, and only update these adapter layers during fine-tuning.
- No direct ways to bypass the extra compute in adapter layers.
- The small bottleneck in the adapter layers limits hardware parallelism, increasing latency.
Architecture of the adapter module, from Figure 2 of Houlsby et al., 2019.
Prefix Tuning. Keep the parameters of the pre-trained model frozen. Prepends a sequence of continuous task-specific vectors (i.e., prefix) to the input sequence, and only update these vectors (i.e., soft prompt) during fine-tuning.
- Difficult to optimize, its performance changes non-monotonically in trainable parameters.
- Reduces the sequence length available for downstream tasks.
Prefix-Tuning, from Figure 1 of Li et al., 2021.
Inference Latency, from Table 1 of Hu et al., 2022.
Performance, from Table 4 of Hu et al., 2022.
Which weight matrices in Transformer should we apply LoRA to?
Applying LoRA to different types of attention weights, from Table 5 of Hu et al., 2022.
Apply LoRA to \(W_q, W_v\).
Optimal rank \(r\) for LoRA?
Applying LoRA with different ranks, from Table 6 of Hu et al., 2022.
Apply LoRA with \(r=4\).
Applying LoRA with different ranks, from Table 18 of Hu et al., 2022.
Does \(\Delta W\) highly correlate with \(W\)?
- Learn adaptation matrices \(A_{r=8}\) and \(A_{r=64}\) with \(r=8\) and \(64\), respectively.
- Perform singular value decomposition (SVD) and obtain the right-singular unitary matrices \(U_{A_{r=8}}\) and \(U_{A_{r=64}}\)
- Use Grassmann distance \(\phi(A_{r=8}, A_{r=64}, i, j) \in [0,1]\) to measure how much of the subspace spanned by the top \(i\) singular vectors in \(U_{A_{r=8}}\) is contained in the subspace spanned by top \(j\) singular vectors of \(U_{A_{r=64}}\)
Subspace similarity between \(A_{r=8}\) and \(A_{r=64}\), from Figure 3 of Hu et al., 2022.
- Top singular vector overlap significantly between \(A_{r=8}\) and \(A_{r=64}\), while others do not.
- These top singular-vector directions are the most useful, while others contain mostly random noises.
- \(A_{r=8}\) and \(A_{r=64}\) share a subspace of dimension 1 with normalized similarity \(>0.5\), which verifies the experiments that \(r=1\) can still perform quite well.
Subspace similarity between two \(A_{r=64}\) fine-tuned with different random seeds, from Figure 4 of Hu et al., 2022.
- Similarly, the top singular-vector directions are the most useful, while others contain mostly random noises.
- Project \(W\) onto the \(r\)-dimensional subspace of \(\Delta W\).
Correlation between \(\Delta W\) and \(W\) and Amplication Factor of \(\Delta W\), from Table 7 of Hu et al., 2022.
- \(\Delta W\) has a stronger correlation with \(W\) (\(0.32\), \(1.90\)) compared to a random matrix (\(0.02\), \(0.33\)), indicating that \(\Delta W\) amplifies some features that are already in \(W\).
- Instead of repeating the top singular directions of \(W\) , \(\Delta W\) only amplifies directions that are not emphasized in \(W\). (\(0.32 \ll 6.91\))
- The amplification factor is rather huge: \(21.5 \approx 6.91/0.32\) for \(r = 4\).
- Conclusion. The low-rank adaptation matrix potentially amplifies the important features for specific downstream tasks that were learned but not emphasized in the general pre-training model.
Subspace similarity between \(W\) and \(\Delta W\) with different \(r\), from Figure 8 of Hu et al., 2022.
Official Resources
- [ICLR 2022] LoRA: Low-Rank Adaptation of Large Language Models [arxiv][code][paper][video] (citations: 203, 253, as of 2023-03-22)
Community Resources
- Low-Rank Adaptation of Large Language Models (LoRA), by HuggingFace